Monday, July 29, 2013

Waktu Sesuai Untuk Minum Air

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  • 2 gelas selepas bangun dari tidur dapat membantu mengaktifkan anggota badan
  • 1 gelas sebelum makan dapat membantu penghadaman dan menjadikan perut lebih memberi ruang untuk makanan
  • 1 gelas sebelum mandi untuk membantu proses pengaliran darah dan menurunkan tekanan darah
  • 1 gelas sebelum tidur dapat mengelakkan terkena strok atau serangan jantung sewaktu tidur

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Weight Management#3

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Dalam masa 3 hari turun 0.5 kg.Tinggi berubah-ubah bergantung kepada ketegakan kita berdiri semasa timbang.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Weight Management#2

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Hari ini timbang, berat badan adalah 71.6kg bermakna dalam masa setahun aku berjaya menaikkan berat badan sebanyak 5.4kg iaitu lebih kurang 450g sebulan berbanding semasa berat pada 23.5.2012.Bermakna jika tiada tindakan sewajarnya mencecah umur 30 tahun berat mungkin akan menjadi 80kg.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wondering Avocado Calories

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According to, there are about 322 calories in an avocado. A standard sized avocado (210 grams) also contains about 30 grams of fat. But most of us wouldn’t eat an entire avocado in a single sitting. If you spread avocado on your sandwich or add a small amount to your taco, you are probably consuming closer to 30 grams or 1-2 tablespoons. You’ll consume about 46 calories and 4-5 grams of fat in a reasonable serving of avocado.
So with a relatively high calorie and fat count, should you use a food swap for avocados? It depends. If you are watching your total caloric intake, you might want to skip the avocado on your sandwich and use a lower calorie spread like low-fat mayo or mustard. But remember that avocados contain healthy fatsand when eaten in moderation can be part of a healthy diet. Most people can keep avocados in their diet as long as they don’t overeat them.
What is there to say about this simple smoothie idea? It may seem a bit odd to put an avocado in a smoothie, but it lends a delicious creaminess, and the orange juice and mango provide plenty of sweetness, so you won't even notice the slightly savory avocado. Enjoy this smoothie for a healthy cholesterol-free vegan breakfast, a nearly raw food breakfast, and, of course, it's gluten-free too. Enjoy!
Avocado mango smoothie recipe
Recipe courtesy of Avocadoes from Mexico


  • 1 fully ripened avocado from Mexico, halved, pitted and peeled
  • 2 cups frozen mango cubes (not thawed)
  • 1 cup orange juice


In jar of blender or food processor, combine avocado, mango, juice and 1 cup water; whirl until smooth. Divide among chilled glasses.
Makes four smoothies.
Nutritional information, per serving: 145 calories, 2 g protein, 25 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 19 g sugar, 5 g fat (1 g saturated)

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